* bio-filmography *Born in Cornwall, British Isles, in 1955; lived in various parts of Cornwall, England, Wales, Malta and Portugal. Studied fine art at Oxford, 1973-76; lived and worked in London since 1976. Cinema programmer since 1973 (former President of Oxford University Film Society, founder of Jacksons Lane Film Club in London, founder 'Art of Film' Scheme selecting British experimental cinema for international film festivals and cinematheques in Europe, Australia and North America since February 1988). Author of frequent articles for various magazines on film history, technology and ideology; arts funding policy and experimentation in film and television broadcasting. Also wrote a book on the life and work of van Gogh. Occasional film course teacher (camera, sound, dubbing, editing, rostrum camera, optical printing, laboratory processing, contact printing etc.) Filmmaker since 1976 producing experimental short films and politically active and innovative work for cinema and television. Member of London Film Makers' Co-operative since 1976. Founder of Archway Road Movie Group in 1982, of Zooid Pictures Ltd. in 1984; the London Film Makers Co-op Production Unit in 1985; 'The Art of Film' Scheme in 1988. Films shown widely at international film festivals, cinemathVques and universities throughout Europe, North America, Australia and Brasil, and on British and Hungarian national televisions. Contact Richard Philpott |
Exhibition since 1983:-
Festival International d'Avant Garde, Paris, France (The Underground; Game II)
Experi, Bonn, West Germany (The Underground)
A-V Garde, Amsterdam, Netherlands (The Underground)
Queima das Fitas, Coimbra, Portugal (The Underground)
Retina, SzigetvPr, Hungary (The Underground)
St. Brieuc, France (Beverly Hills Flop)
Stockholm International Video Festival, Sweden (Beverly Hills Flop)
Besan_on, France (Beverly Hills Flop)
Experi, Bonn, West Germany, (Beverly Hills Flop)
Audio Visueel Experimenteel, Arnhem, Netherlands (Beverly Hills Flop)
Breminale, Bremen, West Germany (Beverly Hills Flop)
Queima das Fitas, Coimbra, Portugal (Beverly Hills Flop)
Spoleto, Melbourne, Australia (Beverly Hills Flop)
Australian Film Institute, Sydney (Beverly Hills Flop)
Retina, SzigetvPr, Hungary (Beverly Hills Flop)
'The Experimental Cinema of R. P.', São Paolo, Brasil (Beverly Hills Flop)
National Film Theatre, London (Beverly Hills Flop)
Huesca, Spain (The Messiah in the Shadow of Death)
Bilbao, Spain (The Messiah in the Shadow of Death)
San Sebastian, Spain (The Messiah in the Shadow of Death)
Murcia, Spain (The Messiah in the Shadow of Death)
Karlovy Vary, Czechslovakia (The Messiah in the Shadow of Death)
A-V Garde, Amsterdam (The Messiah in the Shadow of Death)
Audio Visueel Experimenteel, Arnhem, Netherlands (The Messiah....)
Edinburgh Fringe, UK (The Messiah in the Shadow of Death)
London, UK (The Messiah in the Shadow of Death)
Nyon, Switzerland (The Messiah in the Shadow of Death)
Experi, Bonn, West Germany (The Messiah in the Shadow of Death)
Stuttgart, West Germany (The Messiah in the Shadow of Death)
Osnabruck, West Germany (The Messiah in the Shadow of Death)
Leipzig, West Germnay (The Messiah in the Shadow of Death)
Brimenale, Bremen, West Germany (The Messiah in the Shadow of Death)
Cracow, Poland (The Messiah in the Shadow of Death)
Baltimore, USA (The Messiah in the Shadow of Death)
Hamburg, West Germany (The Messiah in the Shadow of Death)
Anarchist Film Festival (The Messiah in the Shadow of Death)
Queima das Fitas, Coimbra, Portugal (The Messiah in the Shadow of Death)
Retina, SzigetvPr, Hungary (The Messiah in the Shadow of Death)
'The Experimental Cinema of R. P.', São Paolo, Brasil (The Messiah...)
Figuera da Foz, Portugal (Spirit of Albion)
Salisbury Arts Festival (Spirit of Albion)
Glastonbury CND Festival (Spirit of Albion)
San Francisco International Film Festival (Spirit of Albion)
Spoleto, Melbourne, Australia (Spirit of Albion)
Anthropos, Los Angeles, USA (Spirit of Albion)
Ecovision, Lille (Spirit of Albion)
Australian Film Institute, Sydney (Spirit of Albion)
Retina, SzigetvPr, Hungary (Spirit of Albion)
Figuera da Foz, Portugal (Dead Pigeon)
San Francisco International Film Festival (Dead Pigeon)
London, UK (Dead Pigeon)
Audio Visueel Experimenteel, Arnhem, Netherlands (Dead Pigeon)
Osnabruck, West Germany (Dead Pigeon)
Queima das Fitas, Coimbra, Portugal (Dead Pigeon - triple screen version)
Spoleto, Melbourne, Australia (Dead Pigeon)
Australian Film Institute, Sydney (Dead Pigeon)
Retina, SzigetvPr, Hungary (Dead Pigeon)
Figuera da Foz, Portugal (Stones Off Holland)
Osnabruck, West Germany (Stones Off Holland)
Audio Visueel Experimenteel, Arnhem, Netherlands (Stones Off Holland)
London, UK (Stones Off Holland)
Hamburg, West Germany (Stones Off Holland)
Bremen, West Germany (Stones Off Holland)
Southampton Film Festival (Stones Off Holland)
Breminale, Bremen (Stones Off Holland)
Internationale Film- und Videotage, Luzern, Switzerland (Stones Off Holland)
Athens International Film Festival, USA (Stones Off Holland)
Queima das Fitas, Coimbra, Portugal (Stones Off Holland)
Spoleto, Melbourne, Australia (Stones Off Holland)
Australian Film Institute, Sydney (Stones Off Holland)
Im Off Der Geschichte, Vienna (Stones Off Holland)
Retina, SzigetvPr, Hungary (Stones Off Holland)
'The Experimental Cinema of R. P.', São Paolo, Brasil (Stones Off Holland)
International Film Festival, Rotterdam (Stones Off Holland)
Stuc, Leuven, Belgium (Stones Off Holland)
Figuera da Foz, Portugal (The Flora Faddy Furry Dance Day)
Internationale Film- und Videotage, Luzern (The Flora Faddy Furry Dance Day)
An Gweder Keltek/The Celtic Mirror, Falmouth (The Flora Faddy Furry Dance Day)
'East Meets West', Essen, West Germany (The Flora Faddy Furry Dance Day)
Athens International Film Festival, USA (The Flora Faddy Furry Dance Day)
Queima das Fitas, Coimbra, Portugal (The Flora Faddy Furry Dance Day)
Melbourne International Film Festival (The Flora Faddy Furry Dance Day)
Spoleto, Melbourne, Australia (The Flora Faddy Furry Dance Day)
Australian Film Institute, Sydney (The Flora Faddy Furry Dance Day)
San Francisco International Film Festival (The Flora Faddy Furry Dance Day)
Vipfilm, Berlin (The Flora Faddy Furry Dance Day)
Im Off Der Geschichte, Vienna (The Flora Faddy Furry Dance Day)
Istanbul Film Festival, (The Flora Faddy Furry Dance Day)
Retina, SzigetvPr, Hungary (The Flora Faddy Furry Dance Day)
'The Experimental Cinema of R. P.', São Paolo, Brasil (The F. F.F. Dance Day)
Spoleto, Melbourne, Australia (Shaman - w.i.p)
Australian Film Institute, Sydney (Shaman - w.i.p)
Figuera da Foz, Portugal, (Here in the Real World)
Encontros Internacionais de Cinema, Lisbon, Portugal (Here in the Real World)
Retina, SzigetvPr, Hungary (Here in the Real World)
'The Experimental Cinema of R. P.', São Paolo, Brasil (Here in the Real World)
International Film Festival, Rotterdam (Here in the Real World)
Stuc, Leuven, Belgium (Here in the Real World)
Channel 4 - UK national television ('Road Movie', 1984);
BBC - UK national television ('Road Movie' extracts, 1984)
Channel 4 - UK national television ('Spirit of Albion' 1987)
Channel 4 - UK national television ('Spirit of Albion' 1988)
MTV - Hungarian national television ('The Flora Fady Furry Dance Day' 1989)
TV Cultura - Brasilian national television (various extracts)
Independent cinemas, national and regional cinemathVques, clubs, film societies and museums throughout the UK, East and West Europe, North America and Australia - including touring programmes in Hungary, Yugoslavia, the USA and Canada and one-person tours of the USA and Australia.
Presentations at Colleges and universities in UK (including the Arts Council's "Film Makers on Tour Scheme")
Special presentations at Coimbra University, Portugal, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990.
Colleges and Universities throughout the USA - early 1990.
Colleges and Universities in, Australia - end 1990.
PERFORMANCE/INSTALLATION (seperate information available)
Not To Be Looked At (1976-81), Schubert's Tomb (1976), Game II (1976-79), Game (1977), Layer Cake Game Building (1978), History Game ( 1981), Communications Consumables Game (1983), The Great Archway Land Sculpture (1983), Road House (1984), Dead Pigeon (first performed 1986, film completed 1987)
Den Urbana Aboriginal, for 'Natttvning', Swedish Radio & gallery tour (1983)
Contact Zooid Pictures for
preview videotapes, catalogues, press kits and further information
London Film Makers Co-op, 12-18 Hoxton Street, London N1 6NG. Tel: 020 7739 7117
Canyon Cinema, 2325 Third St., Suite 338, San Francisco, CA 94107. Tel: (415) 626 2255